Published: Jul 8, 2023

Bilingual education, the new pedagogies and ICT

Jul 8, 2023
Alejandro Urieles Guerrero
Read Statistic: 72

Extrinsic Motivation and Meaningful English Learning in Secondary Education Students in Manta: An experience of hybrid education

Jul 8, 2023
Allison Roxana Mera Mero, Cintya Maribel Zambrano Zambrano
Read Statistic: 61

Family and school context with technology in Economic and Financial Education

Jul 8, 2023
Hilary Pabuena, Jesús Berrio, Sonia Valbuena
Read Statistic: 209

Reading and writing skills of secondary school students in English as a foreign language

Jul 8, 2023
Kelly Sofia Marquez Lucheta
Read Statistic: 81

Bilingual education from childhood for the development of language skills

Jul 8, 2023
Johanna Gissell Reyes Vinces, Jemima Denisse Aray Arauz, Ulbio Gonzalo Farfán Corrales, Gabriel José Bazurto Alcívar
Read Statistic: 105

Creative thinking in higher education: attitudes and skills of university teaching staff

Jul 8, 2023
David Marenco
Read Statistic: 232

The ethnotext as a pedagogical resource for strengthening reading comprehension in five grade students

Jul 8, 2023
Andrés Felipe Mejía Severiche
Read Statistic: 136

Hegemonic educational practices and unique education in indigenous communities versus University

Jul 8, 2023
Lorena Camargo Sibaja
Read Statistic: 79

Teaching Styles of Differential Equations Teachers

Jul 8, 2023
Maria José Ortega Wilches, Julio Cesar Romero Pabón
Read Statistic: 60

The management of the executive in public educational institutions. A case study

Jul 8, 2023
Mervis Antonio García Bustillos, Jelly Katherine Lugo Bustillos, Arielys Nohemi Polanco Esteves
Read Statistic: 68

English, technology and labor capital as control devices in the globalized age

Jul 8, 2023
Edgar Iván Castro Zapata, Pamela Londoño Bonilla
Read Statistic: 36