• Editorial Policies

    Approach and Scope

    CEDOTIC is a refereed scientific academic publication. It accepts theoretical and practical work in the field of education, pedagogy and ICT with a transdisciplinary approach based on research, analysis and understanding of the problems that impact education at the local, national and global levels.

    It is aimed at individuals whose focus is the research, interpretation, and understanding of education, in which global culture, the knowledge society, new cybernetic technologies, complex and postmodern thinking, climate change, and migrations constitute its main hallmarks

    We encourage professors, teachers and postgraduate students in Education to present research papers, critical reflection and systematic review from disciplines such as sociology, political science, anthropology, history, psychology and computer science in general as long as their perspectives are oriented to the large area of education, pedagogy and ICT.

    Peer-review process

    CEDOTIC is an open access digital publication that accepts original and unpublished works in Spanish, English and Portuguese which it submits to a doubly anonymous arbitration.

    In order to be accepted, articles must comply with the standards of the journal, which reviews originality and thematic relevance, structure and scientific quality, clarity in the treatment of content and its theoretical-epistemic update, as well as updated bibliographic references.

    Frequency of publication

    The CEDOTIC journal is published biannually, in the months of June and December, but it accepts papers for evaluation throughout the year.

    Open access policy

    The journal CEDOTIC does not charge for the publication of works and these are freely available.

    The research, reflections, etc., expressed by the authors in their works are their sole responsibility, but the Journal will to ensure that they are compatible with the dignity, prestige, and interests of the journal.

    The total or partial reproduction of the works published in the Journal is authorized, citing the source for educational or scientific purposes. 

    The published works must be cited mentioning the electronic address of the journal, specifying the volume number, the section in which it was located and the precise date of appearance.


    This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system between collaborating libraries, allowing them to create permanent archives of the journal for conservation and restoration purposes. More...

    Statement of ethical principles and good editorial practice

    Statement of Ethical Compliance

    The journal CEDOTIC makes available to national and international academic users the Code of Conduct established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (cope: CommitteonPublicationEthics).

    Ethical Compliance Letter

    In light of the above, we request each author(s) to send us, along with their work, a letter confirming their authorship of the same.

    Make sure that all bibliographic sources and authors mentioned have received the proper citation (APA) within the work.

    Give credit to those who have contributed to the research design, application of instruments, and data collection. In the same way, the author (s) must make explicit the recognition or credits of research assistants and collaborators of the project or preparation of the work, regardless of their minimum participation.

    Finally, the participation of institutions or persons sponsoring the work must be made explicit by the author (s) when submitting their work.

    The author(s) must upload the corresponding information in the 'journal metadata' and send the Declaration of Compliance with Ethical Standards letter through the journal's email, editor.cedotic@gmail.com.

    Without the fulfillment of these requirements, CEDOTIC will not be able to publish any work.

    In the case of any action that is considered contrary to this statement, the regulations of the CommitteeOnPublicationEthics COPE in the document: http://publicationethics.org/files/All_Flowcharts_Spanish_0.pdf (Accessed February 07, 2014) and the procedures against duplication, plagiarism, redundancy, invented data, changes in authorship, anonymous authors and other matters defined by the COPE will be considered.

    Identity and funding

    The CEDOTIC Journal is a publication sponsored by the Faculty of Education Sciences of Universidad del Atlántico, a public university located in Barranquilla, Colombia, located in Block D, Second Floor, scientific publication and dissemination office (Ciudadela Universitaria, Km. 7 Antigua vía a Puerto Colombia, Barranquilla-Colombia).

    CEDOTIC requires that the work is not under review by another journal.


    Director´s and Editor ´s​ responsibilities

    The director of CEDOTIC is responsible for the editorial team led by the editor and establishes the policies for the dissemination and scientific publication of the journal. In this regard, the director maintains a constant dialogue with everyone to ensure compliance with the policies set as rules of the game for all users of the journal.

    The editorial board is responsible for the application of the ethical and political processes that have been indicated as guidelines for the publication policy of the journal. In this sense, they are responsible for ensuring that the articles received fits the standards and guidelines established by the journal.

    It is the responsibility of the editors to comply with double-blind peer review for each article that is reviewed for publication in the journal.

    Authors´ responsibilities:

    The mechanism for submitting proposed articles is through the platform of the journal.

    To do this, the author must register as a reader and author, obtain a username and a password. Only if there is an issue with the system should it be sent to the email editor.cedotic@gmail.com.

    Every article must comply with the standards of the journal which is in the digital version OJS.

    CEDOTIC in no way shares or dissents from the ideological-political positions expressed by the authors. Therefore, it is not responsible for them.

    Therefore, CEDOTIC will always ask the authors for a signed letter assigning the rights of publication and dissemination to Universidad del Atlántico, Faculty of Education, of the articles that pass the editorial process assuming the good faith that in their entirety they belong, both in their illustrations, photographs and other tables and data, to the author who sends them. In the event that the article includes information from other authors, CEDOTIC will request the consent of this third party from the author proposing the article.

    The receipt of an article does not obligate CEDOTIC to publish it. It is clear that this process is voluntary and that it is subject to an editorial process that may or may not lead to the publication of the manuscript.

    The editorial committee will take 30 days to respond to the author about the editorial process of their article. If the article is accepted for publication with modifications, the author must return it with the revisions no later than 15 days afterward. The journal will inform the authors of those rejected articles and the reasons why they are discarded.

    Articles and book reviews intended for publication require a letter of copyright transfer from the authors, granting authorization for the use of the copyright holder's rights (reproduction, public communication, transformation, and distribution) to Universidad del Atlántico, Faculty of Education Sciences.  This also confirms that the text is authored by you and that the intellectual property rights of third parties are respected. Authors may use the final version published on the digital platform of the Journal CEDOTIC.

    Peers' and Referees' Responsibilities

    The evaluation of the articles will be carried out according to the following criteria:

    Academic and scientific quality, writing style, originality, contributions, up-to-date bibliographic references, clarity, importance, and relevance of the topic. Preference will be given to articles derived from research activities and/or review articles. The latter must present at least the review of 25 bibliographic references.

    The referees will have a period of no more than 30 days to review, evaluate and send it back to the editor. Carefully completing all the requirements of the Article Evaluation format provided by CEDOTIC Journal.

    The referees will inform the editor of any conflict of interest with the assigned article, whether for academic, financial, institutional or any other reason that affects the normal ethical performance of the process.

    Unethical Behavior

    In the case of any action that is considered contrary to this statement, the regulations of the CommitteeOnPublicationEthics COPE in the document: http://publicationethics.org/files/All_Flowcharts_Spanish_0.pdf (Accessed February 07, 2014) and the procedures against duplication, plagiarism, redundancy, invented data, changes in authorship, anonymous authors and other matters defined by the COPE will be considered.