Published: Oct 19, 2017


Jun 14, 2017
9 - 14
Amilkar Caballero De la Hoz

Luis Carlos López and Baldomero Fernandez Moreno:a wandering of coincidences and disagreements

Jun 14, 2017
15 - 29
Alfonso Rubio

Musical-narrative transposition in contemporary latinoamerican literature

Jun 14, 2017
31 - 49
Anna Paula de Oliveira Mattos

Voices of marginality in Lo amador, of Roberto Burgos Cantor

Jun 14, 2017
51 - 71
Hernando Motato C

Negritud, cumbite y socialismo en Gobernadores del rocío, de Jacques Roumain

Jun 14, 2017
73 - 90
Clinton Ramírez, Ivethe Noriega

Rhythm and corporeity in Virgilio Piñera’s short stories (1947)

Jun 14, 2017
91 - 107
Lucila Navarrete Turrent

Ipuka Yatama: Elements and narrative structure (Ipuka: grow, to sprout; Yatama: Payé; language Yawalapiti) in shaman transformation, Alto Xingú, Mato Grosso, Brazilian Amazon

Jun 14, 2017
109 - 130
Máncel Enrique Martínez Ramos

George Lamming and the BBC’s “Caribbean Voices”: Discussions on the Autonomy of the West Indian Literature

Jun 14, 2017
131 - 153
Marcelo José Cabarcas Ortega

Intellectuals’ dialogue vindicating afro: Afrocaribbean Literature in the first half of the twentieth century

Jun 14, 2017
155 - 169
Muriel Vanegas Beltrán


Nov 15, 2017
Cuadernos de Literatura
Read Statistic: 133