Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Cuadernos de Literatura del Caribe e Hispanoamérica is a scientific and peer-reviewed magazine that aims to publish articles, working papers and research reports of professors and students of literature and of national and international researchers interested in the literatures and cultures of The Caribbean and Spanish America. This magazine is issued every six months and is edited by the Master program in Spanish American and Caribbean Literature of Universidad del Atlántico  and the Program of Linguistics and Literature of the University of Cartagena and by the research groups CEILIKA and GILKARÍ that support these programs.

Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Unchecked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Sample of current Colombian poetry

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The process of evaluating articles in Cuadernos de Literatura follows three stages:

Preliminary Evaluation: This is the first stage of the process of evaluation. A review of the editorial quality of the article is done in this step. The Editorial Committee of the magazine checks its structure in order to verify that it meets the formal standards of the magazine and APA guidelines– Sixth edition.

Peer review: This is the second stage of the process. Referees, expert researchers, evaluate the scientific quality of the article. Articles are reviewed anonymously following the double-blind procedure.  
The criteria that the referees take into account to evaluate the articles are: the relationship (relevance) of the article with the magazine, the formal aspects of the article, and aspects related to its content. Reviews are supposed to be done in 20 days.

The referees’ concepts will be used to accept or reject articles. If the referees suggest not to publish the article, it will be turned out immediately. In case they suggest that some corrections should be done to the article, it will be returned to the authors for them to do such corrections. The authors will have to re-submit it when they finish correcting it.

Final Evaluation: This is the last stage of the process. The Editorial Committee is in charge of this last evaluation based on the referees’ suggestions. It will decide whether to publish or not.

This final decision will depend on the way the authors respond to the suggested corrections.  The authors will have up to 25 days to do the corrections after they have been notified. Cuadernos de Literatura reserves the right to introduce modifications to the articles in order to adapt formal aspects of the texts to publication standards. Modifications to the content of the article will not be introduced by the Editorial Committee.

Publication Frequency

Cuadernos de Literatura del Caribe e Hispanoamérica es una publicación periódica semestral, accesible en forma física y electrónica en la siguiente dirección: http://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/cuadernos_literatura/index

Open Access Policy

Esta revista provee acceso libre inmediato a su contenido bajo el principio de que hacer disponible gratuitamente la investigación al publico, lo cual fomenta un mayor intercambio de conocimiento global.


Esta revista utiliza el sistema LOCKSS para crear un archivo distribuido entre las bibliotecas participante, permitiendo a dichas bibliotecas crear archivos permanentes de la revista con fines de preservación y restauración. Ampliar información...

Types of artícles

These are the articles that the Editorial Committee of revista Cuadernos de Literatura del Caribe e Hispanoamérica accepts for publication:  

Technological and scientific research article. Document that presents in a detailed way original results of finished research projects. The structure commonly used in this type of article has four sections: introduction, methods, results and conclusions.

Reflection article. Document that presents results of finished research about a specific topic and using original sources from an analytic, interpretative or critical stance.

Literature reviews. Document that results from finished research and organizes and analyzes the results of published or non-published research about a field in technology or science. It intends to account for current trends and developments. It presents a careful literature review of at least 50 references.

Short article. Brief document that describes original preliminary or partial results of technological or scientific research that require prompt circulation.

Case report. Document that discusses the results of a study about a particular situation that intends to expose methodological or technical experiences employed in a case study. It includes a systematic and annotated review of the literature of analogous research.

Revision of a topic. Document that results from a critical view of the literature of a specific topic.

Review: brief paper that informs and evaluates a literary work or any other cultural product. It describes and judges the value of that work or product.

Letters to the editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative views about the documents published by the magazine that the Editorial Committee deems as a substantial contribution to the discussion of the topic of those documents within the scientific tradition to which they belong.

Editorial. Document written by the editor of the magazine, a member of the Editorial Committee or a guest research about guidelines related to the topic of the magazine.

Translations. The magazine accepts translations of classical or contemporary works of literature as well as transcripts of historical documents or of particular scope of interest of the magazine.

If the article does not meet any of the categories described above or does not meet the formal standards for publication, it will be returned to the authors in order for them to make the due changes and re-submit it. The Editorial Committee gives priority to the publication of research articles.

Declaration of ethical principles

This magazine adopts the ethical principles and good editorial practices expressed in Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, published in June 2015 by the Committee on Publication Ethics  (COPE; retrieved from: http://publicationethics.org/. Consulted May 23rd, 2017), that state, regarding authorship and contributions, that “authors should assume the responsibility of at least one of the sections that conform his work, they should be able to identify the person responsible of each of the other sections and it should be desirable that they could trust the skills and the integrity of those with whom they share authorship”. Hence, Cuadernos de Literatura requests authors to provide the details of the authorship in the documents they submit to our magazine.

Declaration of conflict of interests

The authors who submit articles to Cuadernos de Literatura have to guarantee that their research techniques and methods meet international scientific ethical codes when they do research about Caribbean and Spanish American literature and culture. Such guarantee will be stated in the format of economic rights waiver and in the declaration of conflict of interests which are requested at the moment of the article’s preliminary review, thus making authors wholly responsible for ethical violations they could have made within the investigation from which the article is derived. Likewise, authors who submit the article will be identified as the guarantor of the work and all communication about the review process will be established with him/her.

Cuadernos de Literatura will turn out articles that implicitly or explicitly contain experiences, methods, techniques or any other activity based on non-ethical, discriminatory, offensive, or aggressive practices.

Anti-Plagiarism policy

Cuadernos de Literatura follows the policy on intellectual property established by the Intellectual Property World Organization which was adopted in Colombia by the Bill 351 passed by the Cartagena Commission of Agreement in 1993 and the Bill 23 passed in 1982. Consequently, articles submitted to our magazine will be checked using an anti-plagiarism software.