Published: Jan 1, 2024

The Didactics of the Integral Social History in the Education Superior matancera

Jan 1, 2024
Yanko Hernández Cruz, Lissette Jiménez Sánchez, Juan Carlos González Rivera
Read Statistic: 18

The Truth and democracy

Jan 1, 2024
José Manuel Canales Aliende
Read Statistic: 17

Innovation in Law programs: alternative knowledge and methodologies that promote the formation of a lawyer 4.0

Jan 1, 2024
Cristina Elizabeth Montalvo Velásquez, Marcela Lissette Gómez Gómez, Lorena Elizabeth Cabrera Izquierdo
Read Statistic: 29

The character's analysis Luis Dascal like problematic hero in the novel La situación, of Lisandro Otero

Jan 1, 2024
Mariela Martínez Lima
Read Statistic: 9

Ludovico Silva for Latin America: an invitation to rethink the Marxian

Jan 1, 2024
Claudio Ramírez Angarita, César Augusto Patiño Trujillo
Read Statistic: 13

Goodbye Dad Emeritus S.S. Benedict XVI

Jan 1, 2024
Elvis Andrés Ruiz Viera
Read Statistic: 57

The crisis of democracy in Colombia: a philosophical view

Jan 1, 2024
Cristóbal Arteta Ripoll
Read Statistic: 15

Analysis of educational practices situated in the rural context within the framework of the Escuela Nueva Model and multigrade didactics in Colombia

Jan 1, 2024
Maira Alejandra Pulgarín Rodríguez, Andrés Felipe Gallego Hurtado, Juan Jesús Mondéjar Rodríguez, Arles Humberto Ríos Serna
Read Statistic: 54

Human Rights against State Terrorism. A vision of Colombia and Argentina

Jan 1, 2024
Doris del Carmen Navarro-Suárez, Magda Ligia Djanon-Donado, Carolina Isaza-Zuluaga, Claudia del Carmen Llinas-Torres
Read Statistic: 31