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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines


Historia Caribe is a specialized journal in historical subjects which aims to publish original papers that are the result or advance of original research or historiographical balance and academic reflections related to historical studies, which contribute to regional, national and international historical knowledge. To ensure the quality of these works they undergo a process of both internal and external review and evaluation which is carried out by specialists of both a national and international scope before they are published. To be considered and subjected to assessment, items must meet the following publishing guidelines:

1. Papers submitted to Caribbean History must be original and unpublished, with a maximum of 25 pages and a minimum of 20 with double spacing, letter size. The font should be Times New Roman 12 point (page footnotes 10 points) with margins of 3 cm and flowing pagination.

2. Both the reviews and the original bibliographical essays and papers in Spanish , English, French or Portuguese must be sent to the editor of the magazine through the website under the section Journals and Publications (Open Journal Systems Platform), using the link: submissions and /or by email to or

3. The publication of originals in Caribbean History magazine does not provide the right to any compensation. The authors will receive free of charge two copies of the magazine.

4. From the time the author submits his paper and this is accepted and published in the Journal History Caribbean, he accepts the assignment of the copyright, permitting the magazine to publish the paper in physical and / or electronic formats, including on the internet, databases and other information systems related to the magazine.

5. The author's name should not appear in the paper.

6. The author’s details must be sent as an attachment and should include his name, address, telephone, email address, item name, academic degrees, institutional affiliation, current charges, any societies to which he belongs, studies already carried out and/or in progress and recent publications.

7.  The paper should also contain an abstract in Spanish, French and Portuguese. This abstract should be analytical should not exceed 100 words, to give all the information necessary for understanding the content of the paper. It should also include a list of key words in Spanish, French and Portuguese, and they must not be more than 6

8. The author must specify the type of paper, for which we suggest to consider the following criteria : a) scientific research paper: presents in detail the results of original research, b) Reflection: presents research results from an analytical , critical or interpretive point of view, on a specific topic, using original sources , c)Review paper : the result of research in which research findings in a field of science or technology, published or unpublished, are analyzed, systematized and integrated in order to account for progress and development trends . It also must present a bibliographical review of at least 50 references. For further details, see the Colciencias website: the following document:

9. Papers received will be subject to a process of review and evaluation, which begins with the Publishing Committee of the Caribbean History Journal, which is responsible for verifying that the document complies with the basic requirements and the historical or historiographical character of the work . Once the Publishing Committee deems the paper viable, it shall be submitted for review by two specialists/anonymous peers who will evaluate it based on the following criteria: Quality or academic level, rigor of research, originality, significance and relevance of the topic, contribution to historical knowledge and the domain of historical literature , argumentative clarity and quality of writing.

10. Both the evaluators and the Editorial Committee may make comments on the paper, which are for mandatory compliance by the author. The author of the work must edit the paper with such written comments and corrections within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days. Receipt will be acknowledged within one month of receiving the manuscript. The results from review shall be communicated to the author within a maximum period of three months from the date of the paper. The release of papers will be scheduled in accordance with the thematic issues that have been planned and called and, based on this the authors will be informed of publication of their papers.

11. The acceptance and publication of the paper are the sole responsibility of the Publishing Board of the Caribbean History journal, which will be responsible for notifying the author of the issue in which he will appear and the approximate dates of the same. During the publishing process the journal may make appropriate style corrections that do not affect the overall meaning of the paper. The author must be available for any communication that may be required by the magazine, and also must provide any information related to the research that supports the paper and authorize by signature the relevant documents , the authorization to use intellectual property rights , the use of property rights (reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution) to the Department of History of the  Universidad del Atlántico, so that it can include the paper in the Caribbean History Journal (both in print and electronic ) . The authors also must certify that the writing is of his own authorship and that in it the intellectual property rights of third parties are respected.

12.  Presentation of bibliographic reviews and essays: Bibliographical reviews and essays must be submitted single-spaced, in Times New Roman size 12 font, with margins of 3 cm and letter size paper. The works cited in the text should be referred to in the footer. Reviews must consist of a maximum of three pages and the text being reviewed should be recently published. Bibliographic essays should be between 8 and 10 pages long.

13. The following Rules of Editing should be observed:

13.1. Subdivisions in the body of the text (chapters, subchapters, etc) should be numbered in Arabic numerals, with the exception of the introduction and conclusion which should not be not numbered.

13.2. Terms in Latin and foreign words should appear in italics.

13.3. The first time an abbreviation is used, it must appear in parentheses after the full formula, the abbreviation shall be used by itself afterwards.

13.4. Quotes that exceed four lines should be placed in long quotation format, between quotation marks, single spaced, font size 11 and reduced margins.

13.5. There must be a space between each paragraph, and which will have no indentation.

13.6. Tables, graphs, illustrations, photographs and maps should appear referenced and explained in the text. They must be also entitled, sequentially numbered and accompanied by their respective captions and source(s). They should be located next to the paragraph in which they are announced. The images must be delivered in digital format (jpg or tiff 300 dpi and 240 pixels). It is the responsibility of the author to procure and deliver to the magazine the permission to publish these images as required.

13.7. Notes in footer should appear in Arabic numerals

13.8. The bibliography should be located at the end of the paper and must be written in Times New Roman size 11,and single spaced with hanging indent. It should be organized in categories of primary and secondary sources, presenting first the following parts: file, periodicals and books .The complete reference of all the works used in the paper, not including securities that are not referenced in the footnotes, should be presented in alphabetical order in the bibliography.

13.9. Both bibliographical references and notes should be made as footnotes with Arabic numerals flown and in consecutive order. These references must be recorded according to the following rules of citation, for which footnotes (N) must be distinguished from bibliography (B):


Single Author:

N- First Name Last Name(s), Complete Title (City: Publisher, Year), 45.

B- Last Name(s), First Name. Complete Title. City: Publisher, Year.

Two Authors:

N- First Name Last Name(s) and First Name Last Name(s), Complete Title (City: Publisher, Year), 45-46.

B- Last Name(s), First Name, and First Name Last Name(s). Complete Title. City: Publisher, Year.

Four or more authors:

N- First Name Last Name(s) et al., Complete Title (City: Publisher, Year), 45.

B- Last Name(s), First Name, First Name Last Name(s), First Name Last Name(s) and First Name Last Name(s). Complete Title. City: Publisher, Year.

Article in Book:

N- First Name Last Name(s), “Article Name”, in Complete Title, eds. First Name Last Name(s) and First Name Last Name(s) (City: Publisher, Year), 45-50.

B- Last Name(s), First Name. “Article Name”. In Complete Title, edited by First Name Last Name(s) and First Name Last Name(s). City: Publisher, Year, 45-90.

Article in Journal:

N- First Name Last Name(s), “Article Name”, Journal Name Vol: No (Year): 45.

B- Last Name(s), First Name. “Article Name”. Journal Name Vol: No (Year): 45-90.

Press Article:

N- First Name Last Name(s), “Article Name”, Newspaper Name, City, Day and Month, Year, 45.

B- Last Name(s), First Name. “Article Name”. Newspaper Name, City, Day and Month, Year.


N- First Name Last Name(s), “Thesis Title” (Undergraduate/Master’s/PhD thesis in, University, Year), 45-50, 90.

B- Last Name(s), First Name “Thesis Title”. Undergraduate/Master’s/PhD thesis in, University, Year.

Archive Source:

N- “Document Name” (place, date, and other pertinent data), in File Abbreviation, Section, Fund, vol./leg./t., f. o ff. The first time it is quoted the full name of the Archive is mentioned followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis.

B- Full name of the Archive (abbreviation), City-Country, Section(s), Fund(s).


Interview to Last Name(s), First Name, City, complete date.

Internet Publications:

N- First Name Last Name(s) and First Name Last Name(s), eds., Complete Title (City: Publisher, Year), DOI or URL (date accessed).

B- Last Name(s), First Name, and First Name Last Name(s), eds. Complete Title. City: Publisher, Year. DOI or URL.

Note: After the first quotation, proceed as follows: First Name Last Name, two or three words of the title, 45-90


Publica reseñas de libros recientemente publicados relacionados con temas históricos

Memoria Documental

Publica documentos sobre la región caribe que tengan un valor para la historiografia regional

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.