LEGEM or as it is a refereed publication, submits all the articles to a review process that seeks to guarantee the quality and scientific rigor of the articles that are postulated, applying the double-blind methodology to guarantee transparency in the evaluation process of scientific articles.

The Editorial Committee will not consider those articles that do not comply with its editorial policy or with its publication regulations. The editor of the journal selects and classifies the articles that meet those requirements, then assigning them referees according to their profile and lines of research.

Preliminary review

The Editor, within 4 or 5 business days, will send an email to the main author (who sent the article through the OJS) or email legem@mail.uniatlantico.edu.co with the decision of acceptance or rejection to continue the process. If accepted, the article begins the double-blind peer review process.

In the Initial review the following points are evaluated:

  1. Send the article through the OJS or email legem@mail.uniatlantico.edu.co
  2. The manuscript is within the theme of the journal
  3. Institutional authorship and affiliation information
  4. Compliance with the instructions for authors
  5. Updated bibliographic references with their respective DOI links.
  6. Check that the article is not published
  7. Checking the document for plagiarism
  8. Fulfillment of the sending of the clause of transfer of economic rights

Articles that violate some of the previous points and are not related to plagiarism, will have a period of 15 days to send the adjusted version.

When the articles are accepted for review, they start the peer evaluation process, which can be followed up from the OJS, which when having assigned pairs will go from "Awaiting Assignment" to "Under Review". The platform automatically assigns a unique identification number for each item.

Reviewers or expert peers

They are professionals specialized in the subject area of ​​each of the articles.

Which must comply with the following:

Have a master's, doctorate or postdoctoral degree.

Have scientific publications in the area of ​​the article that you will evaluate.

Not having the same institutional affiliation as the author of the article.

By fulfilling these criteria, as a professional you will be able to agree to be part of the group of reviewers of the journal, taking into account the following:

Application or selection of peers

This application can be made directly from the OJS, following the register link where you will enter the information to access the system. The pairs are also assigned by the journal through the OJS, where the invitation is sent, with the information of the article to be evaluated.

Peer responsibilities

  • Maintain the highest degree of confidentiality.
  • Declare if you have a conflict of interest with the item you have received, in which case you must declare yourself disabled.
  • Make an objective and respectful judgment on the quality of the article.
  • Inform the editor about inconsistencies in the evaluated text that violate the ethical norms of research as well as cases of plagiarism and finally deliver the evaluation to the journal.

 Arbitration process

In this stage, the scientific quality of the article is evaluated in terms of content by means of selected pairs, to whom the article will be sent through the OJS, along with the evaluation format. All articles will be reviewed anonymously (double blind), they evaluate the following scientific criteria in a period of fifteen (20) business days: originality, scientific relevance, theoretical and thematic relevance, methodology, results, conclusions, discussions and other formal aspects; These will be scored taking into account a scale that goes from 1 to 5 (5 = maximum score).

The opinions issued by the arbitrators against the publication can be:

  • Accept the item as is
  • Accept the article with some suggestions
  • The article could be accepted but with a broad revision
  • Do not accept

In any of the cases, the author will be notified of the decision of the peers and the acceptance of the article will depend on the authors considering and responding to LEGEM on the suggestions that the peers propose to it within a period of no more than 10 days later. of your notice. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to include formal modifications necessary to adapt the text to the publication standards, without implying altering the contents, which are the sole responsibility of the authors. It will be the Editorial Committee who ultimately decides the acceptance and subsequent publication of the articles received.

Certification as peer evaluator

After the arbitration process, the journal will send you a certificate by email / OJS as proof of the evaluation.