Transparent editorial process: from the actions of receipt of the article to its final validation, it will be done in constant communication with the author. Likewise, the choice of suitable peer reviewers is sought: with profiles and experience that lead to an assessment of the quality of the documents.

LEGEM magazine adopts the following ethical principles of the participants in the process:

Editor's Ethical Principles:

  1. Publication decisions: The editor can accept or reject the document or can send it for modification.
  2. Review of manuscripts: The editor ensures that each document is initially evaluated by the editor, who may make use of the means he considers, to examine the originality.
  3. Impartiality: The editor ensures that each manuscript received is evaluated for its intellectual content.
  4. Confidentiality: The editor must ensure that the information on the articles presented kept confidential.
  5. Disclosure and conflicts of interest: The editor may not use unpublished materials, described in the submitted manuscript, for his own research.

Ethical Principles of the Author:

  1. International reporting standards: Authors must accurately present their original research.
  2. Originality: Authors must ensure that their document is original.
  3. Multiple, redundant or concurrent publications: Authors should not submit the same manuscript at the same time for publication in other journals or conference proceedings.
  4. Recognition of sources and bibliography: Authors must acknowledge all data sources used in the research and cite the publications that have influenced their research.
  5. The authorship of the work: Authorship should be limited only to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution and / or interpretation of the study presented.
  6. Disclosure of financial support: All sources of financial support must be disclosed.

Ethical principles of Peers

  1. Confidentiality: The reviewers of a manuscript, the editor and the editorial staff do not have to disclose any information that they believe the manuscript contains.
  2. Source recognition: Reviewers of manuscripts have to ensure that the authors have recognized all data sources used in the research.
  3. Standards of objectivity: The manuscript review must be carried out objectively.
  4. Punctuality: If a reviewer believes that it is not possible for him to review the research of a manuscript, he should report it.
  5. Conflict of interest: Every reviewer must guarantee that they have no conflict of interest with the research, the authors and / or the sources of funding.