The journal LEGEM accepts as ethical foundations and good editorial practices the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, published in June 2015 by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which indicate the relationship between authorship and contributions that “an author he must assume responsibility for at least one of the parts that make up the work, he should be able to identify those responsible for each of the other parts, and it would be desirable for him to trust the capacity and integrity of those with whom he shares authorship " .

This is why the principles adopted by LEGEM magazine give the main account of Transparency in the management of information:


Originality in authorship: it is established that the author and / or authors must present their manuscript specifying the veracity of their authorship, which indicates their actual participation in the document, offering open access to identification and professional data that can be verified by the journal .

Likewise, it is requested to avoid duplication of the total or partial information of the original ideas or data used for the construction of the article or to take this data from documents already published; Articles submitted for publication must not have been or are under review by other publications where copyright is assigned. These must be original and unpublished, and presented with the consent of all authors, who agree with LEGEM to maintain these conditions until a final decision on publication or not is made.

Falsification of data should be avoided with practices where the author or authors create fictitious data and apply it to their work and avoid behaviors of Plagiarism and / or self-plagiarism, in which data and ideas of others are used or use is exceeded. of data of the own authorship used previously; being difficult to establish differences with the work presented at present.

Likewise, according to the plagiarism management policy, publications that do not adequately handle “paraphrasing” are not allowed. In case your idea comes from several articles, it is necessary that the original text be mentioned in quotation marks and the citation is made. LEGEM does not publish articles that have previously been published in another language.

On the other hand, the declaration of the sections is promoted: Financing: in which the authors are asked to specify the sources of financial support and Acknowledgments: with which recognition is sought of the actors who made the achievement of the research possible.

LEGEM requests the authors to fill out and send: Assignment clause and declaration of conflict of interest signed by each of the authors.