
The articles that aspire to be published in this Journal must be sent via OJS, for which they must be sent to send any questions can be communicated to the email legem@mail.uniatlantico.edu.co and the article must be accompanied by a transfer clause of economic rights and the updated resume of the stakeholders and a list of the publications made in the last 2 years (if any).


Items must comply with the following:

  • The final document must be sent in a Word file, letter size sheet, leaving a 2.5 cm margin on the four edges, Font type (letter) Arial 12, 1.5 spacing. Length: not less than 12, nor more than 30 pages.
  • Articles must be unpublished and original and not have been simultaneously submitted to another journal.
  • Articles should be written with a high level of syntactic correction.
  • Each of the tables that appear in the Word document must be prepared in a Spreadsheet, preferably Excel.
  • The photographs that apply to the document must be in JPG format.
  • Tables and figures must have a source of elaboration and if they are their own, they must indicate their own elaboration.
  • The article resulting from the research must contain between 20 and 25 bibliographic references
  • The article Bibliographic review must contain a minimum of 50 bibliographic references, a maximum of 70.

Formal structure of the article

The article must present the following structure:

Title: Arial 14, centered and initial capitalized. If the article is a partial or final result of the investigation, indicate it at the bottom of the page. You must indicate the translation in English.

Full name of the author (s): Letter Arial 12 and in the footer specify their academic titles, institutional affiliation, country, ORCID code, correspondence address, e - mail; group and line of research to which it belongs if it is a research article.

Abstract: Between 150 and 250 words (structured) - in the original language of the article.

Keywords: (Maximum 5). - in the original language of the article.

Abstract: It is the same content as the "summary in Spanish", written in the English language.

Key words: These are the same terms as the "keywords", written in English.


Optional methodology according to the type of article

Development includes advances, results or findings, in the case of research


Bibliographic References: They correspond to the texts cited or referenced in the article and must appear at the end of it, APA (seventh edition). In addition, authors are recommended to use recent references according to the subject and indicate the DOI of the publication if it is an article.

Examples of references

Verbatim quotes

Rodríguez (2009) affirmed that the legal argumentation (p. 76).

The assessment of judicial decisions (Rodríguez, 2012, p. 43).


Indirect dating

This idea is shared by the Italian prosecutor Taruffo (1999, p. 34).

For Laporta (2007, p. 203), the role of the Judge focuses on three.

Quotes from various authors

Rodríguez & Díaz (2012, p. 45) argue that the judicial decision ... Neoconstitutionalism is the new face (Bernal, Zagrebelsky, Guastini, Cossio, Medina, Arango, 2004, p.329).

Neoconstitutionalism is the new face (Bernal et al, 2004, p. 173).

Citations of judgments of courts or high courts

Appointments from the Constitutional Court

(C. Const. Judgment T-406/1992).

Appointment of the Supreme Court of Justice

(CSJ Penal, Aug 11, 1999, e15503).

Appointment of the Council of State

(EC 3, Feb. 20, 1998, e 8993).

Citation of codes or laws

(Art 5. L. 54/1990, Art. 5)

Quoted from Decree

(Art. 67. D. 2080/2000)

Book references

Aarnio, A. (2007). The predictability of the last evidentiary act. Madrid: Editorial Norma Jus. Ramírez, A. & Ferrer, J. (1998). The complexity of the test (3 ed.). Buenos Aires: Editorial Legisla.

Scientific journal article references

Rodríguez, F. (2009). Three categorical imperatives for a correct judicial decision. In Jurid. Manizales (Colombia), 6 (1): 69-78.


Internet article references

Rodríguez, F. & Ruiz, P. (2010). From the crisis of legal positivism to the rule of principles in the new law. Downloaded April 15, 2015. At: http://ojs.urepublicana.edu.co/index.php/revistarepublicana/ar-ticle/view/92

 Newspaper reference

Habermas, J. (2009, February 8). The judge and his discursive ethics. El Tiempo, pp. 2, 9.

Encyclopedias references

Betti, E. (2002). The New Italian Encyclopedia of Law (Vol. 8, pp. 502-587). Milan: Italian Encyclopedia.

References of judgments of courts or high courts

Constitutional Court reference

Colombian Constitutional. Sentence T-406 of 1992. M.P. Ciro Angarita Barón.

Reference of the Supreme Court of Justice

CSJ Penal, 11 Aug. 1999, e15503, N. Pinilla. GJ: CCLXIII, No. 2502, 2 Sem., Vol. I, p. 321.

State Council Reference

CE 3, Feb. 20, 1998, e 8993, R. Hoyos. Annals: CLX, Part 2, 1st. Trim., P. 206.

 Code or law reference

Law 54/1990, Art. 5-A. CST Art. 161.

 Decree reference

Decree. 2080/2000, Art. 67.