The Barrio Abajo, which no one wants to leave

  • Nubia Leonor Flórez Forero Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Carnaval, inmigrante, patrimonio, danza, lúdica, bajerismo Carnival, immigrant, heritage, dance, recreational, bajerismo


The article is an ethnographic approximation to the daily life and traditions of one of the emblematic neighborhoods of the city of Barranquilla populated by immigrants from the sea and river who, when building it, formed an intercultural community that appropriated foreign traditions and saw the birth of their own traditions. The Barrio Abajo is the cradle of Carnival and a space for the development of a lifestyle. Being Barrioabajero is more than a name of place, it is sharing a lifestyle where creative leisure is the engine for all festive, sports and recreational activities.


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How to Cite
Flórez Forero, N. L. (2022). The Barrio Abajo, which no one wants to leave. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 29-46. Retrieved from