Analysis of the current events in Barrio Abajo based on the recognition of collective sensory memory and the staging of relevant historical moments

  • María del Pilar Reales Rizo Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Barrio abajo, memoria, geohistoria, acontecer, relatos Barrio abajo, memory, geohistory, events, stories


This article arises as a result of the analysis of Weaknesses, Opportunities, Strengths, and Threats (D-O-F-A) of the geohistorical events of the Barrio Abajo,
expressed by its inhabitants, using for this purpose playful theatrical strategies and memory evoked from stories. The experience allowed the memory through
the senses. In the experience, the figure of Esthercita Forero emerged in a relevant way.


Etchegaray, R. (2018). El concepto de acontecer en la filosofía de Hegel. Nuevo Pensamiento, 8(12), 24–52.
Forero, E. (1974). Mi vieja Barranquilla.
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Salcedo, A. & Minski, S. A. (2008). Barrio Abajo. El barrio de donde somos todos.
How to Cite
Reales Rizo, M. del P. (2022). Analysis of the current events in Barrio Abajo based on the recognition of collective sensory memory and the staging of relevant historical moments. βeta - Revista Digital de Arte, 1(1), 23-28. Retrieved from