Published: Jul 4, 2022

Personal consequences of the reorganization of work in contemporary capitalism. A challenge for ethics.

Jul 4, 2022
Albert Muñoz Miralles
Read Statistic: 202

What do we understand by measurement system? An Ethnomathematical Perspective

Jul 4, 2022
Armando Aroca, Luis Cantillo Fuentes, Néstor Pupo Paba
Read Statistic: 273

Representation of borders, limits and beings from the other world in Chambú (1946) by Guillermo Edmundo Chaves

Jul 4, 2022
alexis francisco uscategui narvaez
Read Statistic: 186

Conception of human rights in the philosophical thought of Hannah Arendt

Jul 4, 2022
Juan Carlos Berrocal Duran, Sandra Irina Villa Villa
Read Statistic: 184

A Traveler in the Wilderness: The resignification of race and otherness in the film Get out by Jordan Peele

Jul 4, 2022
M. Monserrat Acuña , Iván Ávila González, Romano Ponce Díaz
Read Statistic: 146

Absolute nullity due to lack of contractual planning

Apr 7, 2023
Eduardo Castillo Povea, Jorge Enrique Páez Barros, Ferney Asdrúbal Rodríguez Serpa, Giselle Lorena De la Torre Soto, Jorge Navarro Beltrán