Published: Jan 7, 2021


Jan 4, 2021
Cristóbal Arteta Ripoll

The study of Latin American philosophy in Pablo Guadarrama González

Jan 4, 2021
Carlos Rojas Osorio
Read Statistic: 672

The threat of the current trend of delegative democracy

Jan 4, 2021
José Manuel Canales Aliende
Read Statistic: 221

Common sense, language and political action. With and beyond Gramsci

Jan 4, 2021
Damián Pachón Soto
Read Statistic: 481

The skill development of scientific research activity through the major Scientific Research Methodology in Brazilian Law Schools

Jan 4, 2021
Margarita González González, Angela Maria de Abreu Bastos, Juan Jesús Mondéjar Rodríguez
Read Statistic: 328

cimarrones and palenques in the current department. of the Atlantic. the case of tabacal: resistance and exclusion

Jan 4, 2021
Dolcey Romero Jaramillo
Read Statistic: 429

The Small Trade in Cartagena de Indias: The Pulp Shops, 1770-1810

Jan 4, 2021
Muriel Vanegas Beltrán, Sergio Paolo Solano D, Maribel de la Cruz Vergara
Read Statistic: 345

Television violence: analysis of the abusive figure as a social manifestation in a well-known cartoon series

Jan 4, 2021
Nicolás Álvarez Merlano
Read Statistic: 744

The resemantization of words in high school students: a look from lexical availability studies

Jan 4, 2021
Noraida Perdomo Casanova, Rosa Elvira Alfonso Ramos
Read Statistic: 216

Social representations on the concept of government of high school youth in rural areas of the Colombian Caribbean region

Jan 4, 2021
Tito José Humanez Herrera
Read Statistic: 248

The educational philosophical literature in Cuba. Contributions of Ramiro Guerra Sánchez (1880-1970)

Jan 4, 2021
Yuseli Pestana Llerena
Read Statistic: 176