Published: Jan 3, 2020

Diagnosis of the education of the elderly: contribution to the improvement of psychological functionality

Jan 3, 2020
Ariel Gutiérrez Pedroso, Luisa María Suárez Montes De Oca, Inés Milagros Salcedo Estrada
Read Statistic: 649

The development of professional identity in medical students: role of teachers

Jan 3, 2020
Bárbara Jackeline Alemán Marichal, Haydeé Acosta Morales
Read Statistic: 719

Language and culture before the metamorphosis of education in these times

Jan 3, 2020
Bárbara Maricely Fierro Chong, Ángela María García Caballero, María Luisa Trejo Sirvent
Read Statistic: 554

Epistemological foundations of the curriculum

Jan 3, 2020
Jairo Eduardo Soto Molina, Milys Karina Rodelo Molina
Read Statistic: 17928

Water control and social organization for irrigation in the Plan of San Bartolo, Michoacán in the 19th century

Jan 3, 2020
Jorge Alberto Ruiz Barriga
Read Statistic: 416

Permanent investigator of the social reality: a perspective in the career of right in Uniandes, Riobamba

Jan 3, 2020
Lola Ximena Cangas Oña, Juan Jesús Mondéjar Rodríguez, Verónica Elizabeth Cangas Oña
Read Statistic: 269

Development of practical skills in criminalists in the training of lawyers in Ecuador

Jan 3, 2020
Mesías Elias Machado Maliza, Margarita González González
Read Statistic: 793

The environmental dimension in the law career of Uniandes, Ecuador: transversalization in the formation of the environmental legal culture

Jan 3, 2020
Janneth Ximena Iglesias Quintana, Mirta Zenaida Betancourt Rodríguez, José Milton Jiménez Montenegro
Read Statistic: 284