The article evaluation process in Amauta consists of three stages:

Preliminary evaluation: Corresponds to the first stage of the evaluation process, where a review of the editorial quality of the article is carried out, by the editorial team, in which its structure is observed, verifying that it complies with the rules for the presentation of articles from the magazine and with the APA standards - Sixth edition in general.

Arbitration: Corresponds to the second stage of the process, in this the scientific quality of the article is evaluated by means of referees or expert peers. All articles will then be reviewed anonymously following a double-blind procedure.

The criteria to be taken into account by the Peers for the evaluation of the article are: The relationship (relevance) of the article with the journal; Formal aspects of the article; Aspects of content or substance of the article, which have 20 days to send the evaluation in the corresponding format.

The opinion of the arbitrators will be final for the acceptance or not of the postulated articles, if the arbitrator (s) suggest not to publish the article, it will be automatically rejected, but if on the contrary the arbitrator (s) suggest that the article should be published, but with corrections, the author will be sent both the article that the peer evaluated and his notes for correction; The author will send the article again, following the suggestions of the arbitrators.

Final Evaluation: Corresponds to the last phase of the evaluation process. The Editorial Committee is in charge of said evaluation and taking into account the verification carried out by the authors in relation to the suggestions of the peers, it will decide on the publication or not of the article.

The final acceptance of the article will depend on the author or authors fully considering and responding to the suggestions or modifications that the arbitrators propose to it within a period not exceeding 20 days after its notification. Amauta reserves the right to introduce modifications as necessary to adapt the text to the publication standards, without this implying any alteration of their contents, which are the responsibility of the authors.