
The articles sent to the Amauta magazine must be unpublished and the original Word file must be written with a space and a half (including references), in Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12 and its length should not exceed 25 pages. Articles will be received in Spanish and English.

The first page of the article must contain:

Article title, no more than 12 words. (In Spanish and English)

Full name of the author or authors.

At the foot of the author's name, the following must be specified: Academic titles and institutional affiliation, position currently held, main address, city, country and email address.

At the foot of the title of the article, it should be indicated: source of financing of the project from which the article that is presented (if applicable), subsidies and supports received for the preparation of the project.

The second page must contain: a summary of no more than 15 lines that describes the purposes of study or research, the methodology used and the most important conclusions. At the end of the abstract, the author should add and indicate as such, from three to ten "keywords" or short sentences that help the indicators to classify the article, which will be published together with the abstract. Authors are recommended to provide their own translation of the abstract into English, which should also include a list of keywords.

The document must be sent in a final version to the magazine's email: revamauta@gmail.com

With a copy: cristobalarteta@yahoo.es

Bibliographic references

Bibliographic and other references will be recorded in accordance with the standards of the sixth edition of the American Psychological Association (APA).

§ Articles

Arteta Ripoll, C. (2008). Fullness of the metaphysics of otherness. Amauta Magazine, 25, 7-22.

Books and chap. books
Basic forms for complete books

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. City: Editorial.

Surname, A. A. (Year) .Title. Available at http://www.xxxxxx.xxx

Surname, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City: Editorial.

Book with author

Barros Cantillo, N. (2014). Is law a science? Barranquilla: Barranquilla Free Sectional University.

Book with editor

Barros Cantillo, N. (Ed.). (2014). Is law a science? Barranquilla: Barranquilla Free Sectional University.

Basic forms for a chapter of a book or entry in a reference work

Surname, A. A. & Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In

Surname, A. A. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City: Editorial.

Technical report
Basic form

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. (Report No. xxx). City: Editorial.

Referencing a web page

Last name, A. A. (Date). Page title. Place of publication: Publishing house. Address from which the document was extracted (URL).

Legislation and jurisprudence

Republic of Colombia (2012). Law 1607, by which tax regulations are issued and other provisions are issued

Presidency of the Republic (2012). Decree 0019, which dictates norms to suppress or reform regulations, procedures and unnecessary procedures existing in the Public Administration

Constitutional Court of Colombia (1992). Judgment T-533, M. P .: Dr. Eduardo Cifuentes.

Supreme Court of Justice. Judgment of June 6, 2012, M. P: José Luis Barceló Camacho. File 38,508.

Other courts

European Court of Human Rights (1989). Soering judgment c. United Kingdom No. 14038.

The list of references and other sources used in alphabetical order should be included in the final part of the article.

It is the responsibility of the author to obtain the permissions and rights to attach materials or illustrations from other sources.

The opinions expressed in the articles published in this magazine are the sole responsibility of the authors.