From the very moment we conceived the project of organizing a group of university professors to promote the publication of a magazine, the difficulties began. They have been multiple and varied. But the collective effort has surpassed them, to give university life an instrument of debate and research on the Latin American and national reality. It was not even easy, the name of the project.

We associate Amauta's name with the need to pay tribute and vindicate the thought of JOSÉ CARLOS MARIATEGUI, considered by much of Latin American critics as the greatest Latin American intellectual of our century and the first great Marxist in America in theory and action. As a theorist, the organic work in which he expresses his thoughts most originally is, without a doubt, "7 essays on the interpretation of Peruvian reality". But his masterpiece was the creation in 1926 of the Amauta magazine where the intellectual Mariategui and organizer of culture is shown in all its extension. In its original version, Amauta expressed the definite will to install collective reflection at the very center of the Peruvian problem. It became a unique magazine of its kind, for its ability to "incorporate the most innovative knowledge of European culture into the expressions most linked to the political and cultural emergence of the Latin American popular classes".

In our particular case, as a critical weapon Amauta sets out to polarize the dispersed and unused energies of scientific research in our environment, to deliver them as a contribution to the intellectual training of young university students and to the investigation of a reality, urged by great changes and transformations. revolutionary. As a collective work, the magazine will not only unite its promoters with researchers from the Social and Humanistic Sciences. It will be the link point with the young university students to develop the scientific and academic discussion. As a literary expression, Amauta will be a wide space granted to all the creative expressions of thought that claim Latin American cultural identity and the great values ​​of universal culture that best serve the full realization of man. That is why we make our own, the phrase that Mariategui used in the presentation of the first issue of Amauta, in August 1926: "everything human is ours".