Amauta and his editorial team, respectfully and professionally accept that any author or direct or indirect participant in the editorial process, express their disagreement with one or more stages developed prior to the acceptance or rejection of the article submitted to arbitration, in writing. and sent to the Editor, through his email

Through the figure of retraction of articles, Amauta, has the right to inform and / or alert the scientific community and readers in general about the voluntary or involuntary errors committed in their publications, as well as evident frauds committed by the authors of the articles. The retraction will be given for the following cases: alteration of the results of the investigation, misrepresentation and manipulation of the discussions and conclusions, total or partial plagiarism, proven fictitious authorship, non-recognition of co-authorship, duplicate publications (that the same article is already published in another medium), other demonstrable situations in which the ethics and good practices of the publications are affected. In all cases, the Amauta Journal will make the retraction by means of an errata faith that will be published in the following editions.