Sports statistics


Roberto José Herrera Acosta
Universidad del Atlántico


Sports statistics, statistics


This research text is a contribution in the area of ??Applied Statistics to sports professionals; there are few documents in the sports field that involve data analysis as an essential part that will allow a more assertive analysis of the behavior of activities; This is done with non-complex formulations that allow readers with basic knowledge of the subject, a simple understanding. The bibliography in this field is extremely extensive, but it is considered pertinent to write a book, specifically as an introductory course in Statistics in the sports area. This delimitation aims to facilitate the work of undergraduate and graduate students, dedicated to this particular area, exposing precisely the essential concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics. These conceptions are developed progressively throughout the text; Students in the sports area will find less difficulties in their training, deepening the most advanced statistical techniques.


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June 1, 2018


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