Entrepreneurship intervention model: Regionalization


Luis Carlos Cárdenas Ortiz
Universidad del Atlántico
Víctor Manuel Cera Sarmiento
Universidad del Atlántico
Wilmer Rafael Barandica Cepeda
Universidad del Atlántico
Jonathan Adie Villafañe
Universidad del Atlántico


Entrepreneurship intervention model, Regionalization


The present book Entrepreneurship intervention model. Regionalization is the product of a research process carried out in different high impact companies in the Colombian Caribbean region. The book highlights a whole process of investigation and study of the productive sector of companies and how they generate development in the young people of the Atlantic, projecting them as entrepreneurs and managers of micro-companies. For the above, the investigative component was used, using the descriptive type of research, with quantitative variables, validating the hypothesis, and the descriptive transectional design, aiming to investigate tools and techniques for the development of systemic entrepreneurship, which impact on a specific region. The results of the study yielded variables that made it possible for the investigating authors to create an intervention model that allows young people in the Caribbean region to project themselves as entrepreneurs and managers of micro-businesses.


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June 1, 2018


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