Kinetic study of the reactivity of singlet oxygen with flavonoids and derivatives of Chalconas


Carlos Enrique Díaz Uribe
Universidad del Atlantico
Jorge Enrique Trilleras Vásquez
Universidad del Atlantico
William Andrés Vallejo Lozada
Universidad del Atlantico


Flavonoids, oxidative degradation, antioxidant molecules


Antioxidant activity is the property of a substance to inhibit oxidative degradation and acts mainly through its ability to react with free radicals and singlet oxygen. The imbalance that occurs in the body between the production of reactive oxygen species and the ability of a biological system to rapidly inhibit them is known as oxidative stress. This process results in alterations in the structure-function relationship in any organ. In living organisms there are antioxidant molecules capable of delaying or preventing oxidation; However, this process is not always efficient, so it is necessary to provide the body with other antioxidant molecules that help combat oxidative stress.


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