Analysis of the factors associated with the rates of return of university graduates in the Colombian labor market


Elcira Solano Benavides
Universidad del Atlántico


rate of return, wage gaps, Mincer equation, human capital, instrumental variables


The present work aims to analyze the factors associated with the rates of return of university graduates in the Colombian labor market. The applied methodology is descriptive and econometric, making use of a descriptive analysis of the salaries and salary gaps of university graduates. In addition, applying a Mincer equation model with instrumental variables, the rates of return to education of university graduates for the years 2007 and 2014 in Colombia will be estimated. Subsequently, using a Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition model, the wage gaps by sex are estimated. The data used are the follow-up surveys of graduates for the years 2007 and 2014, prepared by the Ministry of National Education and the Labor Observatory of Colombia.


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July 16, 2021


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