Razonamiento cuantitativo con enfoque steam

  • Sonia Valbuena
Keywords: Quantitative thinking, STEAM approach, mathematical skills Razonamiento cuantitativo, enfoque STEAM,, competencias matemáticas


The present research is aimed at promoting quantitative thinking skills during the teaching and learning process in sixth grade students of basic secondary school under the STEAM approach, supported by design and implementation. ón of didactic sequences based on learning that considers reasoning, formulating and interpreting mathematics in the solution of problem situations in any context combined with the definition of quantitative reasoning, which focuses on the ability of individuals to think critically about the environment that surrounds them and its connection with the mathematical field. The methodology had a mixed approach, with a ad-experimental design, the methodological development was in phases. Ad-hoc questionnaires were applied. The results to be highlighted are profound difficulties in mathematical competencies in the study sample, inputs that are taken for the design of the work proposal. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that the use of the STEAM approach can be a plausible option for the development of competencies in quantitative reasoning.

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How to Cite
Valbuena, S. (2024). Razonamiento cuantitativo con enfoque steam. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 9(1), 7-19. Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/3861