Simulation of Simple and Damped Harmonic Motion of a Simple Pendulum

  • David Santiago Luque Alvernia Universidad del Atlántico


The following article addresses the development of the Geogebra simulation of simple harmonic and damped motion describing a simple pendulum. Therefore, it deals with the tools provided by Geogebra that make possible the dynamic simulation development that varies according to the conditions set at the time of any measurement. The objective of this simulation is to illustrate and make a first approach to the correct functioning of the theoretical framework seen in regards to the study of vibrations.

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How to Cite
Luque Alvernia, D. S. (2024). Simulation of Simple and Damped Harmonic Motion of a Simple Pendulum. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 9(1), 20-30. Retrieved from