Minkowski and Hölder type inequalities for a new generalized fractional integral

  • Dr Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador,
  • Dr Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado
Keywords: Fractional integral inequalities generalized fractional integral operator Desigualdades fraccionales integrales Operador integral fraccionario generalizado


The present study is concerning about some inequalities of Minkoveski and Hölder type using a new generalized fractional integral operator of Raina's type. Using the Raina generalized function model, $ \mathcal{F}_{\rho,\lambda}^{\sigma} $, which involve certain parameters and a bounded sequence of positive real numbers, a new definition of a generalized fractional integral is given and  some others classical fractional integral operators are deduced from this. Also the validity of the main results in the setting of Riemman--Liouville, Hadamard, Katugampola, Prabhakar and Salim fractional integrals is proved.

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Author Biographies

Dr, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador,

Pontificia Universidad Cat\'{o}lica del Ecuador, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Escuela de F\'{i}sicas y Matm\'{a}ticas, Sede Quito, Ecuador

Dr, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado

Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Decanato de Ciencias Administrativas y Empresariales, Departamento de Técnicas Cuantitativas, Barquisimeto, Venezuela


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How to Cite
Vivas-Cortez, M., & Hernández Hernández, J. E. (2021). Minkowski and Hölder type inequalities for a new generalized fractional integral. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 8(1), 74-91. Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/3008