A Factorial Design Applied to Saber Pro Test of Math Students

  • Greisy Paola Morillo Universidad Nacional Evangélica, Recinto Santiago
Keywords: School effect, Saber 11 test, Saber Pro test, bachelor in mathematics, factorial analysis. Ana ́lisis factorial, efecto escuela, programas de matema ́ticas, Saber 11, Saber Pro


The school effect, see [3], is useful to determine how an institution can help to reach the good development of students. I is realised an study using the data base of Saber Pro test made by the students of math and closer areas during the year 2013, see [5, 6], as well the statistical techniques know as experimental design, see [2] and also [4]. Interesting results and conclusiones are obtained that will allow to principals of school and colleges to a good performance to future mathematicians.The school effect, see [3], is useful to determine how an institution can help to reach the good development of students. I is realised an study using the data base of Saber Pro test made by the students of math and closer areas during the year 2013, see [5, 6], as well the statistical techniques know as experimental design, see [2] and also [4]. Interesting results and conclusiones are obtained that will allow to principals of school and colleges to a good performance to future mathematicians.

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Author Biography

Greisy Paola Morillo, Universidad Nacional Evangélica, Recinto Santiago

Universidad Nacional Evangélica, Recinto Santiago, Santiago de los Caballeros, Repu ́blica Dominicana


[1] Ruiz Escorcia, R. R., Are ́valo Medrano, J. B., Morillo, G. P., Acosta-Humánez, P. B. (2018). Análisis de componentes principales aplicado a la prueba estatal Colombiana Saber 11. Revista Espacios, 39, No. 10, 1–12
[2] Montgomery,D.C.,Diseño y Analisis de Experimentos,Segunda Edicion, Limusa-Wiley, MéxicoD.F.,2004
[3] R. Cervini, Los efectos de la escuela y del aula sobre el logro en matema ́ticas y en lengua de la educación secundaria. Un modelo multinivel, Perfiles educativos 28 (2006) # 112
[4] E. Gutiérrez Moya, Una herramienta didáctica para el aprendizaje de las te ́cnicas de diseño estad ́ıstico de experimentos, Revista de Enseñanza Universitaria, 27 (2006), 23–31
[5] ICFES,ResultadosSaber11,2006–2009.www.icfes.gov.co
[6] ICFES,ResultadosSaberPro,2013.www.icfes.gov.co
How to Cite
Morillo, G. P. (2020). A Factorial Design Applied to Saber Pro Test of Math Students. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 7(1), 68-80. Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/2779