Factors associated with the results of the evaluation of Saber-Pro Competencies in the municipality of Sincelejo, Sucre in the period 2017.

  • Rafael Roberto Ruiz Escorcia Corporacion Universitaria del Caribe-CECAR Colombia
  • Maryan Rivas Mendez Corporacion Universitaria del Caribe-CECAR Colombia
  • Greisy Paola Morillo Universidad Nacional Evangelica – UNEV
Keywords: Socioeconomic Status, Evaluation, Statistics. Status socio-económico, Evaluación, Estadística.


The present study aims to analyze the socioeconomic factors related to the academic performance of Sincelejo students, who presented the Saber Pro tests in the period of 2017. For its analysis the ICFES database was taken, through this the population of Sincelejo was chosen and tables of frequencies and graphs were made that allowed observing how the global score is affected by socioeconomic or other factors. From this it is concluded that, the socioeconomic level significantly affects the development of skills, likewise it was observed that the financial motivation of the parents to meet the needs of the student allows to increase the academic performance.

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Author Biographies

Rafael Roberto Ruiz Escorcia , Corporacion Universitaria del Caribe-CECAR Colombia

Corporacion Universitaria  del Caribe-CECAR Colombia

Maryan Rivas Mendez, Corporacion Universitaria del Caribe-CECAR Colombia

Corporacion Universitaria del Caribe-CECAR Colombia

Greisy Paola Morillo, Universidad Nacional Evangelica – UNEV

Universidad Nacional Evangelica – UNEV


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How to Cite
Ruiz Escorcia , R. R., Rivas Mendez, M., & Paola Morillo, G. (2020). Factors associated with the results of the evaluation of Saber-Pro Competencies in the municipality of Sincelejo, Sucre in the period 2017. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 7(1), 52-61. Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/2777