Notes on spectral properties of an operator its heritability and applications

  • Carlos Carpintero Corporaci\'{o}n Universitaria del Caribe-CECAR\\Sincelejo\\ Colombia\\ and Universidad de Oriente\\Cuman\'{a} \\Venezuela.
  • Ennis Rosas Department of Mathematics\\Universidad de Oriente\\N\'{u}cleo De Sucre-Cuman\'{a}, Venezuela\\ and Department of Natural Sciences and Exact\\Universidad de la Costa\\Barranquilla, Colombia\\
  • Orlando Garcia Departamento de Ciencias B\'{a}sicas\\Corporaci\'{o}n Universitaria del Caribe-CECAR\\Sincelejo. Colombia\\
  • Jose Sanabria Escuela de Ciencias\\ Departamento de Matem\'aticas\\Universidad de Oriente\\Cuman\'{a}.Venezuela and Facultad de Ciencias B\'{a}sicas\\Universidad de Sucre\\Sincelejo. Colombia
Keywords: type theorems, restrictions of operators, spectral properties, semi-Fredholm theory. teoremas tipo Weyl, restricción de un operador, propiedades espectrales, teoría de semi-Fredholm.


In this paper we describe the behavior of Weyl type theorems or Weyl type properties, for an operator $T$ on a proper closed and $T$-invariant subspace $W\subseteq X$ such that $T^n(X)\subseteq W$, for some $n\geq 1$, where $T\in L(X)$ and $X$ is an infinite-dimensional complex Banach space. Our main purpose is to show that for these subspaces (which generalize the case $T^n(X)$ closed, for some $n\geq 0$) a large number of Weyl type theorems are transmitted from $T$ to its restriction on $W$ and vice-versa. As application of our results, we obtain conditions for which Weyl type theorems are equivalent for two given operators. Also, we give conditions under which an operator acting on a subspace can be extended on the entire space preserving the Weyl type properties.

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How to Cite
Carpintero, C., Rosas, E., Garcia, O., & Sanabria, J. (2019). Notes on spectral properties of an operator its heritability and applications. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 6(2). Retrieved from