Basic and Classic properties in the $\mathfrak{B}_F$-spaces

  • Adalberto Garcia Maynez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Margarita Gary Universidad del Atlántico.
  • Adolfo Pimienta Universidad Simón Bolívar
Keywords: $k_R$-space, $\mathfrak{B}_F$-spaces, pseudocompact spaces. $k_R$-espacio, $\mathfrak{B}_F$-espacio, espacio pseudocompacto.


$\mathfrak{B}_F$-spaces determine a class between the class of pseudocompact  spaces and the class of $k_R$-pseudocompact spaces. We present an alternative proof of the theorem 3.5 enunciated in \cite{Fro} and describe their main properties.

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Author Biographies

Adalberto Garcia Maynez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Instituto de Matematicas; Universidad Nacional Autonoma de M\'exico; Area de la Investigacion Cientifica
Circuito Exterior, Ciudad Universitaria Coyoacan, 04510. Mexico, D. F.

Margarita Gary, Universidad del Atlántico.
Facultad de Ciencias B\'asicas, Universidad del Atl\'antico, Barranquilla, Colombia
Adolfo Pimienta, Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias B\'asicas y Biom\'edicas, Universidad Sim\'on Bolivar, Barranquilla, Colombia


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bibitem{Eng} R. Engelking, emph{General Topology}, Heldermann Verlag Berlin, 1989.

bibitem{Fro} Z.Frol'ik, emph{The topological product of two pseudocompact spaces}, Czech. Math. J., textbf{10}, 339-348 (1960).

bibitem{Hew} E. Hewitt, emph{Ring of real-valued continuou functions I}, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., textbf{64}, 45-99 (1948).

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bibitem{Kel} J. Kelley, emph{General Topology}, Van Nost. (Princeton, 1955).

bibitem{Nob} N. Noble, emph{Countably compact and pseudocompact}, Czech. Math. J., textbf{19}, 390-397, (1969).

How to Cite
Garcia Maynez, A., Gary, M., & Pimienta, A. (2019). Basic and Classic properties in the $\mathfrak{B}_F$-spaces. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 6(1). Retrieved from