Some integral inequalities involving the k-Beta function and generalized convex stochastic processes.

Keywords: Integral inequalities, k-Beta function, Generalized convex Stochastic Processes


In the present work some integral inequalities that involve the k-Beta function and stochastic processes whose absolute values posses the property of convexity, or P-convexity, s-convexity in the second sense or (m; h1; h2)-convexity are established. Similarly, some others integral inequalities for stochastic processes whose r-th powers of its absolute values posses these kind of generalized convexity are established making use of the Hölder’s inequality and power mean inequality.

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Author Biography

Jorge Eliecer Hernández H, Universidad Centroccidenta Lisandro Alvarado


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How to Cite
Hernández H, J. E. (2019). Some integral inequalities involving the k-Beta function and generalized convex stochastic processes. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 6(1). Retrieved from