• Julio Cesar Romero Pabon Docente Titular adscrito al Programa de Matemáticas. Facultad de Ciencias básicas. Universidad del Atlántico
  • Gabriel Mauricio Vergara-Ríos Docente Titular adscrito al Programa de Matemáticas. Facultad de Ciencias básicas. Universidad del Atlántico
  • Angie Paola Barrios-Romero
Keywords: Geometry, didactic tools, Geogebra, TIC, regular polyhedra. Geometría, Herramientas didácticas, Geogebra, TIC, poliedros regulares.


Through this article, we intend to share the preliminary results of a research paper called Geogebra as a didactic tool to boost the teaching and learning of area and volume of regular polyhedra in the seventh grade of the San José Hermanitas de la Anunciación school in Barranquilla, which has been developing within the framework of the work of the Specialization degree in Mathematics Didactics of the Universidad del Atlántico. The objective of this is to stimulate the teaching-learning of areas and volumes of regular polyhedra through the use of Geogebra in the seventh grade of the school San José Hermanitas de la Anunciación, in Barranquilla. It is based on the theoretical contributions of Godino, Batanero and Font (2003), Camargo and Acosta (2012), Barrantes, Balletbo and Fernández (2013), Sirwuendy (2012), Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2006); Vergara, G (2016), among others. The research is guided by the Hermeneutical paradigm with a qualitative approach, typified as comparative and field. A population consisting of 70 seventh grade students of the educational institution in question will be selected. The data will be collected through observations in the classroom, surveys and diagnostic tests and even through the analysis of the proposal itself. Using a questionnaire designed by the researchers and duly validated by experts; the analysis of the results will be done qualitatively.

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How to Cite
Romero Pabon, J. C., Vergara-Ríos, G. M., & Barrios-Romero, A. P. (2018). GEOGEBRA AS A TOOL AS A DYNAMIZING TOOL FOR THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS OF AREA AND VOLUME OF POLYEDERS. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 5(2). Retrieved from