Natural Matrices.

  • Jhon Eider Ramı́rez-Lopez IER Monseñor Escoba Vález, San Juan de Urabá-Antioquia-Colombia
Keywords: column, row, natural matrix, progression, product of matrices, sum of matrices. Columna, fila, matriz natural, progresión, producto de matrices, suma de matrices.


Natural matrices are defined by means of an arithmetic progression as a_ij=k(i −1)+j,  these matrices allow the use of two-dimensional location tools in their structure, which are determined by row and column elements. The present study shows an analysis in terms of addition and multiplication by providing the opportunity to extend the concept of natural matrix, to the naturally modified matrix in a factor t and to propose an algebraic structure for the product in relation with square matrices.

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J.E. Ramı́rez y J. L. Gorrostola. Proyecciones de las matrices naturales en el estudio de la teorı́a del

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How to Cite
Ramı́rez-LopezJ. E. (2017). Natural Matrices. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 4(1). Retrieved from