A characterization for the nullity and rank of linear combinations of two idempotent matrices.

  • Carlos De oro Aguado Grupo de investigación en Matemáticas Uninorte, Barranquilla-Colombia
Keywords: Singularity, linear combination, idempotent matrices, nullity, range. Singularidad, combinación lineal, matrices idempotentes, nulidad, rango.


In this article we will show in detail the equivalence between the nonsingularity of linear combinations of two idempotent matrices and nonsingularity of their sum. In addition we generalize the above said through nullity and rank of a matrix, and especially demonstrating that the nullity and rank of any nontrivial linear combination of two idempotent matrices is constant.

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How to Cite
De oro Aguado, C. (2016). A characterization for the nullity and rank of linear combinations of two idempotent matrices. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 3(2). Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/1669