Analysis on the development of cores problémicos in the area of mathematics in schools of the municipality of Valledupar

  • Amalfi Galindo Ospino Universidad Popular del Cesar
  • Liliana Patricia Barón Amaris
Keywords: curriculum design, pedagogical weaknesses, curriculum management, basic level, curriculum standards, metacognitive tools. Diseños curriculares, debilidades pedagógicas, gestión curricular, nivel básico, estándares curriculares, herramientas metacognitivas


The processes to reveal weaknesses as far as quality education is concerned, are developed from the analysis and synthesis of many situations that outlines how the problems in the development of cognitive skills in primary and secondary education institutions and are based on weaknesses curricular level and most likely these are the result of the absence of a stable teaching model, without prior selection of training centers who act in the face of institutional needs and social context that involves school.
The above fact has prompted interest to raise the present investigation, from which it is to observe professional performance and creativity of teachers of mathematics of the municipality of Valledupar Cesar, also it aims to generate some contributions and approaches that achieve a change in mathematics teachers regarding how to approach, practice, evaluate and plan the teaching of mathematics, generating reflections on the way it has been done so far, assuming the need to seek and identify factors that impact in this and its relationship with the use of new technologies to achieve meaningful learning in students.
The result of this research, will incorporate new elements, both curricular, methodological, pedagogical and technological level from the understanding generated from spaces of collective curriculum management, in order to contribute to solving problems in education from the transformation, storage and use of knowledge that students must build basic math in the area under curriculum standards.

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How to Cite
Galindo Ospino, A., & Barón Amaris, L. P. (2016). Analysis on the development of cores problémicos in the area of mathematics in schools of the municipality of Valledupar. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 3(1). Retrieved from