Current situation of teaching of statistics on the level of primary education in the municipality of Valledupar: case study indigenous schools

  • Liliana Barón Amaris Universidad Popular del Cesar
  • Hebert Delgado Mier
Keywords: education, statistics, ethnomathematics, random, probability Enseñanza, estadística, etnomatemáticas, aleatorio, probabilidad.


Statistics is part of the mathematics curriculum in primary and secondary education in Colombia; the standards developed by the Ministry of Education, the numerous problems evaluated in the Saber tests and the various researches recognize the importance of statistical concepts; however, Statistics topics are often relegated to teaching in primary education. In this work, the main results of research on Statistics teaching at the level of primary education is presented, as well as an analysis on the specific case of teaching in schools or Indigenous centers.

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How to Cite
Barón Amaris, L., & Delgado Mier, H. (2016). Current situation of teaching of statistics on the level of primary education in the municipality of Valledupar: case study indigenous schools. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 3(1). Retrieved from