About a property equivalent to Ap weight condition for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator

  • Alvaro Corvalán Instituto del Desarrollo Humano, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
Keywords: Operador Maximal de Hardy-Littlewood clases Ap funciones de pesos Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Operator A_p Classes Weight Functions


The inequality Mf (x)p C Mw (j f jp) (x), for a weight function w, is a consequence of the weak type (p; p) for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator from Lp (w). A recent result shows that the inequality also implies the weak type
(p; p) so, in fact, both conditions are equivalent. Here we give a new an elementary proof of the equivalence that, unlike existing demonstrations, it requires no covering properties.

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How to Cite
Corvalán, A. (2016). About a property equivalent to Ap weight condition for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 3(1). Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/1510