Indefinite Metric spaces

  • Boris Lora Universidad del Atlántico
  • Carlos Salcedo I. E. T. A. de Puerto Giraldo
  • Willian Vides Universidad de la Guajira
Keywords: Hilbert space, indefinite metric, Pontryagin spaces, Krein spaces, linear operators. Espacios de Hilbert, métrica indefinida, espacios de Krein, espacios de Pontryagin, Operadores lineales.


A  conceptual historical overview around some moments of indefinite inner product spaces emphasazing basic aspects  of the geometry of Krein and Pontryagin spaces  is made.

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How to Cite
Lora, B., Salcedo, C., & Vides, W. (2016). Indefinite Metric spaces. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 3(1). Retrieved from