Positive and negative spectral projections are maps of class $C^{\infty}$

  • Jeovanny de Jesus MUENTES ACEVEDO
Keywords: Spectral theory, complexification of linear operators, negative and positive, spectral subspaces, orthogonal projection, Cauchy’s integral formula. Teoria espectral, complexificación de operadores lineales, subespacios espectrales positivos y negativos, proyección, ortogonal, fórmula integral de Cauchy.


Let H be a real or complex Hilbert space. We denote by GlS(H) the set consisting of self-adjoint bounded isomorphism. If L 2 GlS(H), then there exist a L-invariant splitting H = H+(L) H􀀀(L); such that L is positive on H+(L) and negative on H􀀀(L). The main goal of this work is to give an elementary prove of that P􀀀; P+ : GlS(H) ! LS(H), where P􀀀(L) and P+(L) are the orthogonal projections onto H􀀀(L) and H+(L) respectively, can be expressed as
P􀀀(L) = 􀀀 1 2i Z 􀀀 (L 􀀀 I)􀀀1d and P+(L) = I + 1 2i Z 􀀀 (L 􀀀 I)􀀀1d;

where 􀀀 is a closed path containing the negative spectrum of L in its interior. Using this representation, we will
see that P􀀀 and P+ are C1-maps.

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How to Cite
MUENTES ACEVEDO, J. de J. (2015). Positive and negative spectral projections are maps of class $C^{\infty}$. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 2(2). Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/1412