Determination of the values of the speed and acceleration, using the method of the Least Squares obtained from the GLX XPLORER of the laboratory of the Universidad de la Guajira

  • Eder ALFARO
  • Cesar MAESTRE Universidad de la Guajira
  • Francisco RACEDO Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: GLX XPLORE, least squares, acceleration, speed. GLX XPLORE, m ́ınimos cuadrados, aceleración, velocidad.


One topic of great interest para experimental sciences is to find the mathematical model describing the phenomenon under study, for that reason in this work the mathematical function describing the position versus time for the assembly of the plan displays inclined Where used the method of least squares, obtained with this
function can be determined speed and acceleration as reported such literature. Were the data for the estimates obtained by the GLX XPLORE, which has a motion sensor connected to the reading position and time, this device also allows to determine the acceleration and speed with high precision.

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How to Cite
ALFARO, E., MAESTRE, C., & RACEDO, F. (2015). Determination of the values of the speed and acceleration, using the method of the Least Squares obtained from the GLX XPLORER of the laboratory of the Universidad de la Guajira. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 2(2). Retrieved from