Successive addition

  • Jhon Eider RAMÍREZ LÓPEZ
  • José Luis GORROSTOLA NADAD IE la Salle
Keywords: Floor function, Natural numbers, Matrix, Successive addition, Digital root. 1. Introducci Función Parte entera, matríz, números naturales, Suma sucesiva, Raíz digital.


Successive addition or digital root is a mathematical relationship that allows to collapse or reduce a natural number to a single digit, by using the addition operation iteratively or successively as a tool; in the follwing document it is proposed a way to define mathematically this relationship from the parameters of the natural matrix, that is, a writing way for such relationship based on the structure of columns in the matrix. This representation allows to explore and to study a countless number of properties that orbit the successive addition

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How to Cite
RAMÍREZ LÓPEZ, J. E., & GORROSTOLA NADAD, J. L. (2015). Successive addition. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 2(2). Retrieved from