Experimental mathematics: using Geogebra for solving a problem of rate of change

  • Cindy MORGADO
  • David BERRIO Universidad de Santander
Keywords: Rate of change, experimental mathematics, dynamic geometry software, Geogebra Razón de cambio, matemática experimental, software de geometría dinámica, Geogebra.


This paper describes the design and experimentation of a classic problem of differential calculus, which is proposed to students in the engineering classroom at the University of Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia. Through a practice of experimental mathematics, using the dynamic geometry software, Geogebra, we want to determine the solution of the problem, whose main objective is promote the processes of visualization to contextualize the problem of rate of change and turn it into a concrete, affordable and palpable problem the student

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How to Cite
MORGADO, C., & BERRIO, D. (2015). Experimental mathematics: using Geogebra for solving a problem of rate of change. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 2(1). Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/1354