Some Remarks on Pasting and Reversing in Natural Numbers

  • Primitivo ACOSTA-HUMÁNEZ
  • Paloma MOLANO Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Angela RODRIGUEZ Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: Divisibility, Natural numbers, Pasting, Reversing Divisibilidad, Números naturales, Pegar, Reversar.


In this survey type paper, which includes elementary results, we show some properties concerning to Pasting and Reversing operations in natural numbers. We start with an historical outline about these operations, secondly we do the omitted proofs of some results related with natural numbers, presented in [4, 5] and finally
we show new properties that involve divisibility, squares and square roots.

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How to Cite
ACOSTA-HUMÁNEZ, P., MOLANO, P., & RODRIGUEZ, A. (2015). Some Remarks on Pasting and Reversing in Natural Numbers. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 2(1). Retrieved from