TIC’s application learning of mathematics

  • Yesika ROJAS
  • Nazly BELEÑO Colegio Hogar Mariano
  • Sonia VALBUENA Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: TIC, teaching strategies, meaningful learning, learning environments, teaching mathematics. TIC, Estrategias didácticas, Aprendizaje significativo, ambientes de aprendizaje, Enseñanzade las matemáticas.


Motivated by our students this project came to study possible reasons why students in the District School Home Mariano have a poor performance at the beginning of algebra ( basic operations with fractions) in the area of mathematics according to internal testing on institution. As that TIC is applied in the development of the themes seen by the students of 7th A remarkably progress and improvement in academic performance with  the desire arose that teachers in charge of the area continue to participate actively in this innovative process school students. According to Papastanasiu tests in the year 2006 it states that the moderate use of ICT leads to good academic performance, increasing the interest , creativity , the desire to perform different activities.

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How to Cite
ROJAS, Y., BELEÑO, N., & VALBUENA, S. (2015). TIC’s application learning of mathematics. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 2(1). Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/1347