Modeling and construction of TIC for interpretation of statistical graphics

Keywords: Free software Geogebra class thinking, interpretation of statistical graphics. Software libre Geogebra, clase para pensar, interpretación de gráficos estadísticos.


This article discusses the utility of free software Geogebra is presented in relation to the curriculum standard “I interpret , produce and compare suitable to represent various types of data plots¨ın the resolution of problems through the construction and interpretation of statistical graphics , through the technological and methodological use of the software and the class to think, with this tool seeks to select activities and teaching strategies through the use of ICT that lead to participation and overcoming difficulties in learning statistics.

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How to Cite
SOLER MARQUEZ, E. (2015). Modeling and construction of TIC for interpretation of statistical graphics. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 2(1). Retrieved from