• Julio C. Romero P.
  • Gabriel Mauricio Vergara Rios Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: learning styles and Fourier Series. Estilos de aprendizaje y Series de Fourier


This research was conducted in order to identify the learning styles of engineering students at the University of the Atlantic off the Fourier series. From the theoretical point of view, is supported by contributions from: Porlan R (1996), V. Osorio (2003), R. Flórez (1993), Miller (1967), Duval (1999), Rivière (1991), Pinker (2001), Vergnaud (1990, 1987), Chomsky N. (1957), Piaget J.
(1926), Vygotsky L. (1962), J. Brunner (1983), Ausubel D. (1983), Wittrock (1990), Hunt (1980), Carroll (1993), C. Alonso, D. Gallego and P. Honey (1994) among others. The research was descriptive projective longitudinal design, experimental and field. We used a data collection instrument type questionnaire. Validity was determined through expert opinion and reliability was measured with Cronbach's alpha coecient. The statistic used was descriptive and inferential with application of SPSS and Excel software. The population was 112 subjects, taking a sample of 33 students in the course of dierential equations. The results reveal that the teaching and learning styles play an important role in the teaching and learning of the Fourier series. The identification of this variable strengthens the teaching model used by teachers for teaching and application of Fourier series, which is a very important
topic in engineering therefore required to be well understood by students and teachers , in order to generate very significant scenarios for learning processes. So the university will begin oering in this context, learning experiences that invite reflection and critical assessment of teaching practices in order to improve the academic processes.

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How to Cite
Romero P., J. C., & Vergara Rios, G. M. (2014). LEARNING STYLES OF STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING ATLANTIC OFF THE FOURIER. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 1(2). Retrieved from https://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/article/view/1195