Numerical study of the propagation of electromagnetic waves 2D for DTD

  • Francisco Racedo Niebles
  • Larry Theran Universidad del Atlántico
  • René Alvarez Universidad del Atlántico
  • Sonia Valbuena Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Simulation, Discretization, absorbing boundary condition, elemental cell. Simulación, Discretización, condición de frontera absorbente, celda elemental.


This paper presents a Matlab simulation of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in two-dimensional domain. For this discretized Maxwell rotational equations using elementary Yee’s cell for space and the Leapfrog algorithm for time. Thus obtained values of electric and magnetic field, and obtained higher accuracy than other methods. As we worked with a problem of evolution over time with unbounded domains is introduced Absorbing Boundary Condition (ABC)
to avoid reflections on the boundary of the domain due to computational limitations.

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How to Cite
Niebles, F. R., Theran, L., Alvarez, R., & Valbuena, S. (2014). Numerical study of the propagation of electromagnetic waves 2D for DTD. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 1(1). Retrieved from