Numerical simulation for MDF for solving the partial differential equation modeling the flow of contaminants from an aquifer

  • Sonia Valbuena Duarte
  • Diana C. Roca Arroyo Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: MDF, aquifer, simulation, water flow, contaminants. MDF, acuífero, simulación, flujo hídrico, contaminantes


By the method of finite differences, MDF, give a good numerical approximation of the solution of the partial differential equation modeling the flow of contaminants from an aquifer. For this, we discretize the domain and using appropriate approaches to the partial derivatives of the equation rewrite the problem as an algebraic system of equations. Examine the effectiveness of two finite difference schemes: an explicit method and the Crank-Nicolson method for
the problem to be solved by analyzing their consistency, stability and convergence. The problem is computationally implemented using scientific software

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How to Cite
Duarte, S. V., & Roca Arroyo, D. C. (2014). Numerical simulation for MDF for solving the partial differential equation modeling the flow of contaminants from an aquifer. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 1(1). Retrieved from