About the Journal

Focus and scope

MATUA is an electronic journal, belonging to the Mathematics Program of the Faculty of Basic Sciences of the Universidad del Atlántico, Atlántico Colombia. It is a biannual publication specialized in mathematical topics whose objective is the dissemination of unpublished articles that are the result or advance of original investigations, as well as academic reflections related to mathematical studies, through which it contributes to the knowledge of this area, to national and international level. In order to guarantee the quality of the previously published works, they are submitted to a process of arbitration and evaluation, both internal and external, which is carried out by specialists from the national and international level.

Peer review process


The Revista de Matemáticas del Atlántico, carries out a peer-reviewed process using the pair method in the double-blind way where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer.


Stage 1 The authors will receive an automatic notification when they send an original for review, which will serve as proof of the submission. This notification is sent to the author's email.

Stage 2 The works are reviewed in the first instance by the editorial coordinator, who verifies the appropriate use of the language and compliance with formal requirements such as the existence of an abstract of the article, keywords and other sections of the article. The journal is committed to communicating to the authors within 30 days the inclusion of their work under review, or on the contrary their return.

Stage 3 The papers accepted in the first instance are sent to the editors of each session considered by the journal and these in turn direct them to review by academic peers (at least two).

Once the reviewers accept the evaluation of the original, they undertake to send the results of their evaluation within a maximum period of 7 weeks from their notification. If, for justified reasons, a reviewer, after having accepted a review, cannot carry out, the editorial committee, through the section editor, will make a new assignment to another reviewer.

As indicated, the evaluation process is doubly blind (confidential), and its results will be used for the sole purpose of accepting or rejecting the work. If necessary, the editorial coordinator will request a second opinion.

Stage 4 Finally, the magazine's editorial committee will issue a final judgment. Possible decisions will be: Accepted without modifications, Accepted with changes or Rejected.

If, in the opinion of the evaluators, the work is publishable with modifications, it will be returned to the author with the observations of the referees. The changes requested by the evaluating peers are mandatory. The editorial coordinator reserves the right to verify compliance.

If corrections are not received from the author, the Editorial Committee will assume that the author has withdrawn her intention to publish in the Magazine. The magazine will do its best to decide on the publication of the works in the following three months after their receipt. As editorial policy, previously rejected works will not be reconsidered.

The acceptance and publication of the article is the sole responsibility of the Editorial Committee of the MATUA magazine, who will be in charge of communicating the author in the number in which it will appear and the publication dates of the same. The publication of originals in the MATUA magazine does not give the right to any remuneration.

Stage 5 The approved articles are sent to the layout editor. During the editing process, the magazine may make pertinent style corrections that do not affect the overall meaning of the article.

Stage 6 Articles will be scheduled for the number in which the Editorial committee considers their inclusion more opportune.

However, it is the responsibility of the authors that the texts sent strictly comply with the legality of any publication related to copyright.

Open access policy

The magazine publishes original works in Spanish, English and French. They are freely available and do not charge anyone for them.

The investigations, reflections, etc., made by the authors are their sole responsibility, but care will be taken that they are compatible with the dignity, prestige and interests of the journal.

The total or partial reproduction of the works published in the Journal is authorized, citing the source for educational or scientific purposes. For commercial purposes, permission must be obtained from the magazine.

Only those contributions written in accordance with the present regulations and that have approved academic arbitration, when appropriate, will be published.

The Director and Editor will establish the characteristics of the content of each issue of the magazine. They may be dedicated to a single topic or include works on different topics.

The published works must be cited mentioning the electronic address of the journal, specifying the Volume number, the section in which it was located and the precise date of appearance.

Declaration of ethical principles and editorial practices

MATUA magazine considers that it is the duty of every scientific journal to ensure the dissemination and transfer of knowledge, always seeking to guarantee scientific rigor and quality, that is why it adopts the Code of Conduct established by the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE: CommitteonPublicationEthics ).

Identification, institutional affiliation and originality

The Mathematics Magazine of the University of the Atlantic, MATUA, of the Mathematics Program of the Faculty of Basic Sciences of the University of the Atlantic, an institution that financially supports the magazine, whose headquarters is located on the sixth floor of Block C, (University Citadel , Km. 7 Old road to Puerto Colombia, Barranquilla-Colombia). The magazine has the following URL http://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu.co/revistas/index.php/MATUA/index and for contact purposes they can be directed to the email revistamatua@mail.uniatlantico.edu.co and telephone 3197010 ext. 1269.

The team of the magazine is made up: a director, an editor, two editorial coordinators. Along with this management team there is an editorial committee and a scientific committee. Responsible for ensuring the quality of each of its publications. Most of them are active personnel in the scientific production part.

Originality and unpublished are fundamental pieces in each article that MATUA magazine arrives, this means that they cannot be presented simultaneously to other magazines. In the event that an article would later be included in another publication, the details of the original publication in MATUA must be clearly indicated, with the prior authorization of the editor of the MATUA magazine. Likewise, when MATUA magazine considers an already published article for publication, it must have the prior authorization of the editors responsible for it.

Commitment of the Director and Editor

The director of the MATUA magazine is in charge of the dialogue between all the magazine's teams and the committees that make it up in order to determine the policies that allow the magazine to position itself and be recognized. He is also responsible for ensuring that all publication processes are carried out fully and will be responsible for publishing corrections, clarifications, rectifications, justifications and responses when the situation warrants it. He is also in charge of institutional administrative processes.

The editor of Historia Caribe is responsible for the process of all articles submitted to the journal, maintaining due confidentiality throughout the evaluation and arbitration process, until the article is published or rejected. This will be the communication bridge between authors, referees and editorial team, and will also be responsible for responding to any request made to the magazine and will make any corrections and / or clarifications that may be necessary.

It will also be in charge of the dissemination and distribution of the published numbers to collaborators, evaluators and the entities with which it is exchanged, as well as to national and international repositories and indexing systems, including shipments to active subscribers.

Commitments of the authors:

The mechanism for receiving articles proposed to the journal is via email: revistamatua@mail.uniatlantico.edu.co or through the journal's Open Journal Systems platform at the following address: http://investigaciones.uniatlantico.edu .co / magazines / index.php / MATUA / index In order for a work to be initially considered, it must comply with the journal's standards, which are found in the digital edition.

Although the editorial committee approves the articles for publication, taking into account the evaluation carried out by anonymous peers based on criteria of academic quality and writing, originality, contributions, bibliographic news, clarity, importance and relevance of the topic, the authors are responsible for the ideas expressed, as well as the ethical suitability of the article.

At the moment that the author submits his article for consideration, it will be understood that it is his authorship and that in this the intellectual property rights of third parties are respected, an aspect that will make the evaluation process explicitly passed, it is their responsibility. make sure you have the authorizations for the use, reproduction and publication of charts, graphs, maps, diagrams, photographs, etc., and assumes any requirement about them.

The authors accept that their articles will be initially submitted to the considerations of the Editorial Committee, who will decide to send it for evaluation to anonymous external peers, who will send their arbitration to the Editor, who will communicate to them the modifications and observations that may result from this process. These modifications must be taken into account in their entirety and must be carried out as long as the Editor indicates, he will inform you of the approval of the modifications made. When the texts submitted to the magazine are not accepted for publication, the editor will send a written notification to the author explaining the reasons why his text will not be published in the magazine.

In any part of the evaluation and editing process, the Editor may consult the author, who must be attentive to any request that will be by email and within the terms stipulated for the response. The Editorial Committee upon presentation by the Editor will have the last word on the publication of articles, reviews and essays; and the number in which they will be published. That date will be fulfilled as long as the author sends all the documentation that is requested within the indicated deadlines. The magazine reserves the right to make minor style corrections.

The texts that will be published must have the authorization of the authors, the use of the author's economic rights (reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution) to the Universidad del Atlántico, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Mathematics Program, magazine MATUA ( electronic version). In this way it is also confirmed that the text is their own and that the intellectual property rights of third parties are respected. Authors may use the final version of their article, under a BY SA license.

Commitments and responsibility of peers / evaluators

Objectively contribute to the arbitration and evaluation process of the articles, always seeking to improve the scientific quality of the articles and of the journal MATUA, in addition to maintaining anonymity from the moment they are contacted until after publication, not providing any information for any reason. medium on it.

The evaluation of the articles will be carried out according to the following criteria: writing (development of the subject in an organized way), theoretical foundation, originality, contributions, bibliographic news, unpublished nature of the article, impact, clarity, importance and relevance of the topic, which found in the respective format and that will be sent by the Editor to the evaluator to carry out their collaboration. Respect the times indicated by the Editor for the evaluation process and that do not exceed the deadlines, if any extension is necessary, this will not exceed 15 calendar days, this process should not exceed six months.

This task will be carried out with due dedication and according to the established criteria, formulating the suggestions and modifications to the author, indicating significant references that have not been included in the work, always seeking scientific quality and compliance with these criteria.

Inform the Editor of any possible conflict of interest with the article that has been assigned to it, be it for academic, financial, institutional reasons or collaborations between the referee and the authors, to assign another evaluator, it will also indicate when there is suspicion of plagiarism or it is substantially similar to another research product published or not, so that the procedures considered in each of these cases by the Editorial Committee may be effective.

Unethical behaviors

In the face of any action that is considered contrary to this declaration, the regulations of the CommitteOnPublicationEthics COPE will be taken into account in the document: http://publicationethics.org/files/All_Flowcharts_Spanish_0.pdf (Consulted July 7, 2016) and the ways of proceeding against duplication, plagiarism, redundancy, fabricated data, authorship changes, anonymous authors and other matters defined by COPE. Publication frequency

The mathematical magazine of the University of the Atlantic (MATUA) has a biannual period. Exceptionally, the magazine may publish extraordinary issues. The publication of this (when it could occur) will take place in periods intermediate to the usual publication dates.

Equipo Editorial / Editorial Team

Editores en Jefe / Editors-in-Chief

  • Jorge Rodríguez Contreras, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla-Colombia.
  • Adolfo Pimienta Acosta, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla-Colombia.
  • Alberto Reyes (Universidad del Atlántico- Colombia)

Comité Editorial / Editorial Committee

  • Carlos Carpintero Figueroa, Universidad De Oriente, Cumaná-Venezuela.
  • Bernardo Llano Pérez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Ciudad de MéxicoMéxico.
  • David Benítez Mojica, Universidad Del Valle, Cali-Colombia.
  • Francisco Rodríguez Cortés, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín-Colombia.
  • Henry Chimal Dzoul, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio-United States.
  • Javier Trigos Arrieta, California State University, Bakersfield-United States.
  • José Cosme Álvarez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Ciudad de MéxicoMéxico.
  • José Eduardo Sanabria, Universidad de Sucre, Sincelejo-Colombia.
  • Manuel Sanchis López, Universidad Jaume I, Castellon de la Plana-España.
  • Maria Vicenta Ferrer, Universidad Jaume I, Castellon de la Plana-España.
  • Mario Pineda Ruelas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Ciudad de MéxicoMéxico.
  • Margarita Gary Gutiérrez, Universidad Del Atlántico, Barranquilla-Colombia.
  • Miguel Vivas Cortés, Pontificia universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador.
  • Osmin Ferrer Villar, Universidad de Sucre, Sincelejo-Colombia.
  • Salvador Hernández Muñoz, Universidad Jaume I, Castellon de la Plana-España.

Oficina Editorial / Editorial Office

  • Alberto Reyes Linero, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla-Colombia.



Faculty of Basic Sciences- Universidad del Atlántico

Mathematics Program - Universidad del Atlántico

Atlantic University
Magazine History

The mathematics magazine of the Universidad del Atlántico MATUA was created at the initiative of doctors Jorge Rodriguez and Alejandro Urieles with the support of the student María Serge.

The magazine was conceived as an institutional space where the final semester students of the mathematics program of the Universidad del Atlántico disseminate their reflections, monographs or research works and thus strengthen their communication skills. Initially, Professor Sonia Valbuena, who collaborated with the organization, was appointed as editorial coordinator.

During the creation process, and given the international cooperations that the mathematics department has maintained for many years and the need for specialized bibliographic resources in mathematics demanded by the Caribbean region, many researchers with a high and certified track record joined in making significant contributions, managing to turn what was initially thought into an editorial project, which contributes to the strengthening of knowledge and the processes of writing and communication in the local, national and international area.