Computer program for the education of the Fourier series of problems and contour teaching

  • Cielo Ester ROMERO PABÓN
  • María José ORTEGA WILCHES Universidad de la Costa CUC
  • Julio Cesar ROMERO PABÓN Universidad del Atlántico
Keywords: Differential equations, Fourier Series, Boundary conditions, educational processes, Technology of the information and communication, Computer program. Ecuaciones Diferenciales, Series de Fourier, Problemas de Contorno, Procesos Didácticos, Tecnologías de la información y la Comunicación, Programa Computacional.


The general objective of this study was to produce a multimedia computer Educational program applied for teaching of differential equations in the unit of Fourier series and boundary value problems. It was based on three theories related to: learning processes, computing, differential equations. Based on the methodology worked it is considered descriptive, the proposed design for this research is not experimental This teaching tool presents the chapter on Fourier series and boundary value problems, consists of a virtual learning environment,
teaching tools has placed on the bar. This menu contains: references for consultation allowing navigation in the same document in HTML format. An interactive slide enjoys teaching professor Simulations Area where there are graphical and numerical behaviors of the equations in one, or other dimensions, area workshops to develop specialized programs that are linked with Matlab and Spreadsheets. An area with self-controlled assessments, it has multiple channels of advancement, has a nice interface, handles graphics. The program is developed using the programming language Visual Basic, Matlab and Flash. This scan tool will be helpful for teachers and students

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How to Cite
ROMERO PABÓN, C. E., ORTEGA WILCHES, M. J., & ROMERO PABÓN, J. C. (2015). Computer program for the education of the Fourier series of problems and contour teaching. Revista MATUA ISSN: 2389-7422, 2(2). Retrieved from